The main goal of this work is to study systematically the quantum aspects of the interaction between scalar particles in the framework of Generalized Scalar Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau Electrodynamics (GSDKP). For this purpose the theory is quantized after a constraint analysis following Dirac's methodology by determining the Hamiltonian transition amplitude. In particular, the covariant transition amplitude is established in the generalized non-mixing Lorenz gauge. The complete Green's functions are obtained through functional methods and the theory's renormalizability is also detailed presented. Next, the radiative corrections for the Green's functions at α-order are computed; and, as it turns out, an unexpected m P -dependent divergence on the DKP sector of the theory is found. Furthermore, in order to show the effectiveness of the renormalization procedure on the present theory, a diagrammatic discussion on the photon self-energy and vertex part at α 2 -order are presented, where it is possible to observe contributions from the DKP self-energy function, and then analyse whether or not this novel divergence propagates to higherorder contributions. Lastly, an energy range where the theory is well defined: m 2 k 2 < m 2 p was also found by evaluating the effective coupling for the GSDKP. * † ‡ § 1 arXiv:1510.04877v1 [hep-th] 16 Oct 20151 The historical development of this theory, among others, can be found in [1,2]. 2 Forsooth, Géhéniau decomposed Petiau's sixteen-dimensional algebra in terms of irreducible representations of ten dimensions (representing particles of spin 1), five dimensions (representing particles of spin 0), and a trivial representation without physical meaning of one dimension [7].3 This formalism can be extended to describe non-Abelian and gravitational fields [11].