This paper describes the procedure of building a probabilistic decision tree on the basis of the integration of data from multiple sources, conditional probabilities, and the application to map fracture corridors (FCs) in a mature oil field with abundant production data. An FC is a tabular, subvertical, fault-related fracture swarm that intersects the entire reservoir and extends laterally for several tens or hundreds of meters. Direct indicators of FCs, such as image logs, flow profiles, well tests, and seismic fault maps, are sometimes insufficient to map all FCs in a field. It is also necessary to use indirect FC indicators from well data, such as productivity index (PI), gross rate, water cut, and openhole logs. FCs from indirect indicators can be inferred by a probabilistic decision tree, which makes predictions by integrating data from multiple sources, giving preference to the indicators with the highest relevance. Decision trees are constructed by use of a training set that includes measurements of both direct and indirect FC indicators. In this study, wells with borehole images, production logs (flow profiles), and injector/producer short cuts are selected as the training set. The resulting decision trees reveal that total losses, gross production rates, and water cuts are the three most effective indirect indicators of fracture corridors in the test field.
Direct FC Indicators in Boreholes.Borehole-image (BHI) logs are the main source of direct information on fractures and FCs. Both conductive and cemented fractures can be identified, and their attributes (e.g., dip, strike, aperture) can be measured with these logs. BHI logs are especially useful in horizontal wells because most fractures are subvertical and horizontal wells have a much higher chance of intersecting fractures than vertical wells.Pressure-transient tests (PTTs) offer the second-best source of direct information on both intersecting and nearby conductive or cemented FCs/faults. Furthermore, a PTT is the only means to measure length and conductivity of FCs. Production logs (flow profiles) also reveal intersecting FCs as jogs, or steps, in the profile of the flow log. The high permeability of fracture zones often