Since rainfall data often contain zero observations, the ratio of the variances of delta-gamma distributions can be used to compare the rainfall dispersion between two rainfall datasets. To this end, we constructed the confidence interval for the ratio of the variances of two delta-gamma distributions by using the fiducial quantity method, Bayesian credible intervals based on the Jeffreys, uniform, or normal-gamma-beta priors, and highest posterior density (HPD) intervals based on the Jeffreys, uniform, or normal-gamma-beta priors. The performances of the proposed confidence interval methods were evaluated in terms of their coverage probabilities and average lengths via Monte Carlo simulation. Our findings show that the HPD intervals based on Jeffreys prior and the normal-gamma-beta prior are both suitable for datasets with a small and large probability of containing zeros, respectively. Rainfall data from Phrae province, Thailand, are used to illustrate the practicability of the proposed methods with real data.