Alternative splicing is a biological process during gene expression that allows a single gene to code for multiple proteins. However, splicing patterns can be altered in some conditions or diseases. Here, we present BANDITS, a R/Bioconductor package to perform differential splicing, at both gene and transcript-level, based on RNA-seq data.BANDITS uses a Bayesian hierarchical structure to explicitly model the variability between samples, and treats the transcript allocation of reads as latent variables. We perform an extensive benchmark across both simulated and experimental RNA-seq datasets, where BANDITS has extremely favorable performance with respect to the competitors considered.Alternative splicing plays a fundamental role in the biodiversity of proteins as it allows a single gene to generate several transcripts and, hence, to code for multiple proteins [1]. However, variations in splicing patterns can be involved in development and disregulated in disease [2][3][4].Differential splicing (DS) studies how splicing patterns vary between experimental conditions, and specifically, differential transcript usage (DTU) represents a primary branch to investigate DS [5]. DTU is present when there are changes, between two or more conditions, in the relative abundances of transcripts (i.e., in the transcript proportions), irrespective of the overall output of transcription. Alternative approaches to investigate DS are differential exon usage (DEU) [6], event specific differential splicing based on percent-spliced-in [7-9], and differential transcript expression (DTE) [5], which focuses on changes in the overall abundance of isoforms and, hence, identifies both differential gene expression (DGE) as well as differential splicing. Note that, although we broadly refer to differential splicing, all these approaches target differences in annotated transcripts (or exons), which may arise due to differential splicing as well as alternative start and terminal sites of the same transcript.A significant challenge of DTU, and in general of DS, is that transcript-level counts (i.e., the number of RNA-seq reads originating from each isoform), which are of primary interest, are not observed because most reads map to multiple transcripts (and sometimes, multiple genes).