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IntroductionAmong several techniques available to model sequence and quantify the failure probability in probabilistic risk assessment (PRA), event trees (ETs) are the most recognized methods that develop logical relationship among the events leading to the possible consequences, while fault trees (FTs) best represent the logic corresponding to pivotal events (PEs) and estimate the probabilities [16].Dependencies in event tree/ fault tree (E/FT) model are frequently encountered, and, if neglected, may result in an error estimation. Hosseini and Takahashi [4] classify dependencies into two categoriesimplicit and explicit. Explicit dependencies are due to shared basic events (SBEs) such as shared utilities or shared components which appear in more than one corresponding FTs, while the expression of implicit dependencies is a bit vague. Nývlt and Rausand [13] expanded the before-mentioned division to cover more types of dependencies such as common cause failures and cascading effect, and further classified the explicit dependencies with static and dynamic behaviour. However, in practice of aerospace PRA, such as lunar exploration which has the characteristics of the phased-mission system (PMS), ETs are typically used to portray progressions of phase mission over time, and the time interval between pivotal events (PEs) is not negligible, dependencies therefore become phase-dependency (as a subset of time-dependency in this context), and make the E/FT based reliability and risk analysis more difficult [1,13].In ET analysis, not so much work has been done with time-dependency analysis, and the papers cited above are mainly based on the hypothesis about static or time-independent behaviour [1,4,13,23]. PMS reliability attracts substantial attentions, and various techniques have been developed to deal with the phase-dependency. The analytical techniques for the PMS can be classified into two categories: combinatorial models (e.g., mini-components, sum of disjoint phase products, BDD) and state-space transition models (e.g., Markov models, Petri nets) [19,21]. The combinatorial method is based on the JiA M. A Bayesian networks approach for event tree time-dependency analysis on phased-mission system. Eksploatacja i Niezawodnosc -Maintenance and Reliability 2015; 17 (2): 273-281,