“…Recent examples are the paper of Moore and Beckman (1988), where approximate tolerance bounds on the number of failures using Poisson regression are given, and the paper of Bar-Lev et al (1992), who analyse from a Bayesian viewpoint repairable systems whose failure pattern is modeled by a Power-Law process. I-Iowever, it appears that no paper provides prediction intervals on the number of failures when the failure times are Weibull distributed, although a large nurnbrr of papers deal with prediction problems for Weibull samples (see, for example, the papers of Mann (1970) and Lawless (1973), who used the classical approach, and the papers of Evans and Nigm (1980a,1980b), Tziafetas (1987 and Nigm (1989Nigm ( ,1990, who follow the Bayesian approach).…”