The Internet of Things is becoming widely popular in the past decade, which comes with huge amount of data. These magnanimous data, stored in data centers, put forward the new demand for the efficient management of the network. In this article, we propose Software-Defined Congestion Control Plane (SDCCP), a hybrid network control architecture that aims to fully utilize the network while avoiding congestion. SDCCP is based on Software-Defined Networking and CCP, in which the controller collects the network statistics and specifies the behavior of the end-to-end hosts by sending feedback or modifying their transport layer parameters directly. It can also be used to mitigate Distributed Denial of Service attacks and other security problems. In addition, we propose FCA, a Feedback-based Congestion Avoidance algorithm running on SDCCP, which adapts the congestion window based on the feedback from the remote controller. We evaluate SDCCP and FCA in Mininet and the result shows that FCA can achieve high network utilization while keeping the queue length of the routers in a low level. Also, FCA is robust to noncongestion loss, and outperforms other algorithms at high loss rate.