The box-ball system (BBS) is a simple model of soliton interaction introduced by Takahashi and Satsuma in the 1990s. Recent work of the authors, together with Tsuyoshi Kato and Satoshi Tsujimoto, derived various families of invariant measures for the BBS based on two-sided stationary Markov chains [4]. In this article, we survey the invariant measures that were presented in [4], and also introduce a family of new ones for periodic configurations that are expressed in terms of Gibbs measures. Moreover, we show that the former examples can be obtained as infinite volume limits of the latter. Another aspect of [4] was to describe scaling limits for the box-ball system; here, we review the results of [4], and also present scaling limits other than those that were covered there. One, the zigzag process has previously been observed in the context of queuing; another, a periodic version of the zigzag process, is apparently novel. Furthermore, we demonstrate that certain Palm measures associated with the stationary and periodic versions of the zigzag process yield natural invariant measures for the dynamics of corresponding versions of the ultra-discrete Toda lattice.