the medical records of 33 patients with BCG lymphadenitis were retrospectively reviewed. If needed, needle aspiration was recommended without surgical resection or antituberculous medication. Results : Of the 33 patients who were identified, 21 were males and 12 were females. Among the 33 patients, 32 were full-term babies. The mean age was 6 months (range, 2-35 months) and the most prevalent site of the lesion was the left axilla. BCG lymphadenitis was observed 1-34 months after BCG vaccination, mostly 1-6 months after vaccination. The size of the enlargement was generally 1-3 cm. The strains were identified as French (n=14) . 아직까지 BCG로 인한 이상 반응 실태조사가 미흡한 실정 에서, 일선 의료기관에서는 BCG 접종 후 정상 경과를 이상반