In photodynamic therapy (PDT) a sensitizer, light and oxygen are used to induce death of tumor cells and in the treatment of certain noncancerous conditions. Cell death in PDT may occur by apoptosis or by necrosis, depending on the sensitizer, on the PDT dose and on the cell genotype. Some sensitizers that have been used in PDT are accumulated in the mitochondria, and this may explain their efficiency in inducing apoptotic cell death, both in vitro and in vivo. In this review we will focus on the events that characterize apoptotic death in PDT and on the intracellular signaling events that are set in motion in photosensitized cells. Activation of phospholipases, changes in ceramide metabolism, a rise in the cytosolic free Ca 2 + concentration, stimulation of nitric oxide synthase (NOS), changes in protein phosphorylation and alterations in the activity of transcription factors and on gene expression have all been observed in PDT-treated cells. Although many of these metabolic reactions contribute to the demise process, some of them may antagonize cell death. Understanding the signaling mechanisms in PDT may provide means to modulate the PDT effects at the molecular level and potentiate its antitumor effectiveness. D