The ground state of a microcavity polariton Bose-Einstein condensate is determined by considering experimentally tunable parameters such as excitation density, detuning, and ultraviolet cutoff. During a change in the ground state of Bose-Einstein condensate from excitonic to photonic, which occurs as increasing the excitation density, the origin of the binding force of electron-hole pairs changes from Coulomb to photon-mediated interactions. The change in the origin gives rise to the strongly bound pairs with a small radius, like Frenkel excitons, in the photonic regime. The change in the ground state can be a crossover or a first-order transition, depending on the above-mentionsed parameters, and is outlined by a phase diagram. Our result provides valuable information that can be used to build theoretical models for each regime.PACS numbers: 71.36.+c, 71.35.Lk, 03.75.Hh, 42.50.Gy Microcavity polaritons-photoexcited electrons and holes strongly coupled with photons in a semiconductor microcavity-have been observed to exhibit BoseEinstein condensation (BEC) [1,2]. Due to the lightmatter coupling, the polariton has an extremely small mass about 10 −4 times the free-electron mass; the small mass results in a high critical temperature and low critical density. BEC can be realized even at room temperature [3], which is remarkable considering that it had been difficult to realize BEC in exciton systems for a long time [4]. Microcavity polaritons are dissipative particles due to the short lifetime of photons and inelastic scattering of excitons by phonons. Therefore, the polariton BEC is in a nonequilibrium stationary state with a balance between pumping and losses [5,6,7]. However, the polariton BEC has many similarities with BEC of neutral atoms in a thermal equilibrium [8]. It shows several evidences for the superfluidity: the Goldstone mode [9], the quantized vortices [10], and the collective fluid dynamics [11].Such a stationary state appears to be well described by the ground state of a closed microcavity polariton system, when the polariton lifetime is longer than the thermalization time [6,12]. In this paper, assuming such a situation, we determine the ground state with a fixed excitation density at absolute zero as a function of experimentally variable parameters: excitation density, detuning [13], and ultraviolet cutoff determined by the lattice constant. In past studies, mean-field theories have been used to discuss the two limits-low excitation density [14,15] and high excitation density [16]-by considering two different models. These theories are complementary [17], but their relation is somewhat ambiguous. We investigate the intermediate density region as well, where the electronhole (eh) wave function of the relative motion becomes important. We show that the ground state energy and wavefuction gradually change from those of excitons to photons as the excitation density increases. It is also shown that the change can be a crossover or a first-order transition, depending on the parameters considered. T...