Initial findings indicate the effectiveness of internet-based interventions for body dysmorphic disorder (BDD). In order to substantiate these findings, a seven-module guided internet-based intervention was created and examined. We report the mixed data of participants with clinical and subclinical BDD of the treatment group (n = 18). We investigated the feasibility, the quality of the program content, the design and usability, and its effects on symptom severity and related psychopathology. Adherence to the intervention was low and dropout rate high (55.6%). The program content, perceived website usability, and visual aesthetic were rated high. Credibility and expectancy were on a medium level. Satisfaction with appearance improved significantly in the intention-to-treat analysis (d = 0.58). In sum, symptom-related outcomes and program evaluation showed a positive trend albeit the study conduction was difficult. Future programs should investigate the role of additional motivation strategies and more flexible support addressing the known treatment barriers.