This thesis presents the results of reduced-scale, laboratory wave flume physical model experiments. Following Bruun's (1954 and 1962) original proposal, Sea Level Rise (SLR) is expected to lead to cross-shore losses of sand volume from beaches. While some field studies have documented some of the characteristics anticipated with profile response to SLR (i.e. loss of beach volume and shoreline erosion), until this research commenced, there had been no Firstly, thanks must go to each of my research advisors. Professor Tom Baldock for his advice, support and guidance throughout this process. Professor Peter Nielsen for his support and encouragement to investigate various aspects of beach dynamics that interested me. Dr David Callaghan for his guidance and support in helping me appreciate many aspects of numerical analyses. I have learnt so much in my time at UQ, and I feel very privileged to have had the opportunity to work closely with each of you. Thank you also to Dean Patterson, for your encouragement and regular feedback at the coastal research group meetings. Thank you to all other members of the UQ coastal research group, it has been a pleasure to know you all and learn about your respective areas of research. Thanks to Mr Jason van der Gevel and Mr Stewart Matthews for all their assistance in the hydraulics laboratory and maintaining the wave makers, ensuring smooth operation over the thousands of hours I logged on them. Thanks to Dr Van Thuan Nguyen for his assistance in developing and debugging the electronics and software for the laser profiling system. Thank you to Ms Sheng Wu, Ms Chase Bawden, Ms Laura Beckingham, Dr Tomoko Shimamoto and Dr Florent Birrien for their assistance in operating the wave flumes and collecting profile data. Special thanks must be afforded to my wife, Lizzy, for her love, understanding and unwavering support, without whom, I would not have undertaken this project. Elise, you arrived halfway through my candidature and have brightened every day since, providing an endless source of inspiration and most welcome play-breaks.