With rubble predicted to increase on coral reefs worldwide, we review the physical, biological, and ecological dynamics of rubble beds, with a focus on how rubble generation, mobilization, binding, and coral recruitment is expected to change on future reefs. Major disturbances, including storms and coral bleaching, are predicted to increase in intensity and frequency, and-like localized impacts including blast fishing and ship groundingsgenerate large quantities of coral rubble. Reefs will have increasingly smaller recovery windows between successive disturbances, leading to persistence of unstable rubble beds on reefs. With more severe storms and increased bioerosion on future reefs, rubble mobilization thresholds will be met more often as smaller, less complex rubble pieces are generated. If rubble remains stable for adequate time, it can be bound by organisms including sponges and coralline algae, and eventually be cemented. However, increasing rubble mobilization frequencies will reduce the time available for binding, while changing ocean chemistry could reduce the efficacy of calcifying binders. Ultimately, increased rubble cover will negatively impact coral recruitment into rubble beds. Rubble mobilization abrades and smothers corals, and rubble beds typically experience altered environmental and ecological conditions to the coral frameworks that precede them. Several knowledge gaps exist in relation to improved rubble mobilization thresholds, binding rates and strengths, and coral survival in varying rubble bed types and hydrodynamic regimes. Addressing these knowledge gaps will improve our ability to predict the recovery trajectory of rubble beds and assess the need for stabilization interventions.