There are a number of new high intensity proton synchrotrons proposed: the SNS [6] at Oakridge and ESS[7] in Europe, as neutron sources; the JHF/NSP [9] in Japan, a multi-disciplinary facility sponsored by KEK and JAERI; the New FNAL Booster [5]; and the Proton Driver [4,8] as first stage of a µ − µ collider. In addition there are operating machines such as ISIS[1] at RAL, the Brookhaven AGS[3] and its Booster, and the IPNS[35] at Argonne with high intensity and beam power. Moreover, at the energy frontier the beam quality requirements of CERN LHC[10] will pose new and challenging operation modes for its injector chain comprising Booster, PS[12], and SPS [11]. All will encounter beam current limitations arising from beam instability; and the lower energy machines are also limited by space-charge collective effects. Though many anticipated problems are shared in common between these machines, the impetus for the theme of this workshop, "Instabilities of High Intensity Hadron Beams in Rings", comes from the SNS and Proton Driver which were the inspiration for the charge to the "Instabilities Working Group" to answer the following questions.