Precise predictions for an e + e − → tt crosssection are presented in the energy region from 400 to 800 GeV. Cross-sections are estimated including the beampolarization effects with full O(α), and also with the effects of the initial-state photon emission. A radiator technique is used for the initial-state photon emission up to two-loop orders. In this investigation, a weak correction is defined as the full electroweak corrections without the initial-state photonic corrections. As a result, it is determined that the total cross-section of a top quark pair-production receives the weak corrections of + 4% over the trivial initial state corrections at a center of mass energy of 500 GeV. Among the initial state contributions, a contribution from two-loop diagrams gives less than 0.11% correction over the one-loop ones at the center of mass energies of from 400 to 800 GeV. In addition, the effect of a running coupling constant is also discussed.