We report an experimental investigation on nuclear reactions using an intense, ultra-short laseraccelerated proton and deuteron beam generated by the interaction of 25 fs, 150 TW Ti: sapphire laser pulse with normal thin foils and foils containing deuterium atoms. The production of a positron-emitting short-lived 11 C radio-isotope from the interaction of protons and deuterium ions with a solid boron palette by means of 11 B (p, n) 11 C and 10 B (d, n) 11 C nuclear reactions was studied. The maximum radioactivity in the optimized laser irradiation condition was found to be 5.2 kBq per laser shot, which corresponds to ∼9×10 6 atoms of 11 C isotopes using the 11 B (p, n) 11 C reaction. The relative efficiency of 11 C production using a proton and deuteron beam was also explored experimentally. About 30 % enhancement in 11 C activity was observed with CD 2 coated targets. It was also found that because of the relatively low deuteron energy threshold of the reaction 10 B (d, n) 11 C, even the low energy part of the accelerated deuterons in the spectrum can be used for efficient 11 C production. In the same setup, the proton-induced fusion reaction in the boron target (p+ 5 B 11 ⇒3α+8.7 MeV) was also studied. The resultant fusion yield and alpha particle energy spectrum was measured.