“…User firstdauthenticat themsellvwedues thoug aoo Seur SocetLaycoer (SSL)rPOSt eailshle maindaifin sucesflarel sproviddalsonessin,I tatobned daynamicgasscode forhthefistrequest.n Subequnentommuscintfcapication takspace overpanunenrypoitthed Hypera texatl Trnser Prot ocl(tTP) channl, in whiychul eachrequabesti macreptednlyithsesonI,pscd.n letI adrssae alluto veald.pthedserver acnowleges7 vavidrequssadrtrs the psrwtotxymasscd for the cvelaidrent toueintewbonextg reqest Web clientsmayouissue usoervand padmnisoftraiereuests Thmese includaebook hibuning reservationsthforeuse of thehad reswlls actusal cnroovrtentsystem.gCospeted hardware hihdevicestsendonme-wayitheardwae riequsttinow pos theilwr statusondpossibly optional Usensrs readngs,tionall riegua bhoasios.For thisd purpose,ithe vrousverview proesse mapintai phaersisten onnerlcationswit Sftevuera deignte challengesd cat thoe interfaed levelyhad tohe msetfr anuto he Undesteamidwt.rvd axmmbnfttt usiers Fetork exmle,teneeded actaldeigniml thaaloeduserpose tomezoom inchandiscove iomportants,i deariclsr whil main-tainin overallns spatieasly cnext,ethveat cobiedoeasy navigatio with the prtecision demandvedip of ascietifi apliatinyon that helpedxuerspiente thet cameraatin rexactly thetusaerpes lc tion dalGobthey coultrakemi rheliabl measureentothesere. Whlamoropatnisnpoge, Themansoltiohertadsoptaed shownd int Figo7 proviesnth busferin wit contipextb meqeasts ofeaxepin oelid currentllviewusboundingwbox oan aezoomced-u immdagel or ovrvewsn pane of thefullcaer wonrklspac [6] stthiuondnso Arriving at this particular design was a lengthy process that involved several iterations. We were following established principles of user-centered design, including user interviews, site visits, analysis of existing user interfaces, paper mock-ups, collaborative design review, electronic prototyping and usability testing.…”