Becker´s nevus is a hyperpigmented macula that is predominantly located on the anterior trunk or on the scapular region, frequently associated with hypertrichosis. The association of Becker´s nevus with other cutaneous, musculoskeletal or maxillofacial anomalies has been called Becker´s nevus syndrome. We report a case of a 16-year-old girl with a hyperpigmented macula which spread from her right anterolateral trunk to the inner part of her right thigh accompanied by ipsilateral mammary hypoplasia. The skin lesion started when the patient was seven years old when it was also noticed ipsilateral mammary hypoplasia. The histological exam confirmed the clinical hypothesis of Becker´s nevus. Keywords: Breast; Breast/abnormalitites; Hamartoma; Pigmented nevus; Smooth muscle Resumo: O nevo de Becker se manifesta como uma mácula hipercrômica, localizada predominantemente no tronco anterior ou região escapular, e frequentemente associada à hipertricose. A coexistência do nevo de Becker e anormalidades cutâneas, músculo-esqueléticas ou maxilo-faciais corresponde à síndrome do nevo de Becker. Relata-se o caso de uma paciente de 16 anos, portadora desde os sete anos de mácula hipercrômica, localizada no tronco ântero-lateral direito, estendendo-se até a face medial da coxa direita, acompanhada de hipoplasia mamária ipsilateral. O exame anatomopatológico confirmou a hipótese clínica de nevo de Becker.