Introduction: According to different studies, student work has both positive and negative effects on the academic performance of nursing students. The purpose of the study was to examine the effect of student work based on a sample of Slovenian nursing students. Methods: The method of non-experimental quantitative research with a sampling survey was used. 432 nursing students participated. The reliability of the questionnaire was determined by internal consistency analysis (from 0.608 to 0.753) and factor analysis. The data were collected in October and November 2012. Descriptive statistics, the chi-square test, correlation analysis and ANOVA were used for the statistical analysis. Results: Students of four higher education institutions did not provide statistically significant differences in the assessment of their financial status (p = 0.189). The number of hours of student work does not statistically correlate (p = 0.776) with the time for studying. The monthly total of the hours of student work revealed a statistically significant difference (p = 0.001), with students at higher education institution A stating the least hours of student work ( = 19.9), and students at higher education institution B stating the greatest amount of student work ( = 48.5). Discussion and conclusion: The monthly amount of hours of student work does not affect students' academic performance. Students opt for student work because they wish to acquire clinical experience, clinical practice, meet potential employers and improve their employment prospects after graduation.
IZVLEČEKUvod: Različne raziskave omenjajo tako pozitivne kot negativne učinke študentskega dela na uspešnost študentov zdravstvene nege pri študiju. Namen raziskave je bil proučiti učinek študentskega dela na vzorcu slovenskih študentov zdravstvene nege. Metode: Uporabljena je bila metoda kvantitativnega neeksperimentalnega raziskovanja, podatki so bili zbrani s tehniko anketiranja. Sodelovalo je 432 študentov zdravstvene nege. Zanesljivost vprašalnika je bila ugotovljena z metodo analize notranje konzistentnosti (od 0,608 do 0,753) in s pomočjo faktorske analize. Podatki so bili zbrani oktobra in novembra 2012. Za statistično analizo je bila uporabljena opisna statistika, test hi -kvadrat, korelacijska analiza in ANOVA. Rezultati: Študentje štirih vključenih visokošolskih zavodov niso navedli statistično pomembnih razlik v oceni finančnega statusa (p = 0,189). Obseg študentskega dela nima statistično pomembne povezave (p = 0,776) s časom za študij. V številu mesečnih ur študentskega dela se je pojavila statistično pomembna razlika (p = 0,001), kjer so študentje z visokošolskega zavoda A navedli najmanj ur študentskega dela ( = 19,9), medtem ko so študenti visokošolskega zavoda B navedli največ ur študentskega dela ( = 48,5). Diskusija in zaključek: Mesečni obseg ur študentskega dela nima vpliva na uspešnost študentov pri študiju. Odločanje za študentsko delo temelji na izkušnjah iz klinične prakse, željah po pridobivanju kliničnih izkušenj, spoznavanju poten...