How does one become an effective teacher? What can be done to stem high attrition rates among beginning teachers? While many teachers are left to 'sink or swim' in their first yearlearning by trial and error, there remain a number of outstanding examples of collaboration and collegiality in teacher induction programs. Analysis of the most exemplary teacher induction programs from Australia, and the United States revealed common attributes and exceptional features. The most successful teacher induction programs reported here include opportunities for experts and neophytes to learn together in a supportive environment promoting time for collaboration, reflection and acculturation into the profession of teaching. Furthermore, several practices unique to specific regions were highlighted. These included extended internship programs, specially trained mentors, comprehensive inservice training and reduced teaching assignments for beginning teachers with an emphasis on assistance rather than assessment.Since 1989, New Zealand has implemented a series of major educational reforms, moving to decentralize education decision-making. Consequently, there has been Exemplary Teacher Induction 293