The purpose of this research is to improve a scale for determining the physical education and sports course value levels of high school students. For this purpose, at first the literature was searched, and then, questionnaires and scales about value were studied. After that, face-to-face interviews were had with 3 faculty members, 6 physical education teachers and 30 high school students with the "semi-structured interview form" prepared by the researchers about what the Physical Education and Sport course values that high school students should have. As a result of the interviews, the scale draft form was shown to the expert opinions. As a result of the feedbacks, the content validity was stated and it was decided to exclude the value items below 80 from the study. The data obtained by applying the draft form to the students studying in 7 different regions of Turkey, were analyzed. As a result of the Explanatory Factor Analysis, a structure consisting of 5 dimensions and a total of 28 items has been reached: "Success", "Respect", "National culture and togetherness", "Sportsmanship" and "Sports culture". It was determined that the total variance rate of 28 items in the scale was found to be 49.17%. According to the results of the Confirmatory Factor Analysis, ıt ıs stated that the model has good fit index values [χ2/sd (2.57), GFI (0.93), CFI (0.92), AGFI (0.92), NFI (0.89), IFI (0.91), RMSEA (.044)]. Finally, it has been concluded that it can be used as a reliable and valid measurement tool in determining the value levels of high school students for physical education and sports lessons.