In ants, bees, and other social Hymenoptera alarm pheromones are widely
employed to coordinate colony nest defense. In that context, alarm pheromones
elicit innate species-specific defensive behaviors. Therefore, in terms of
classical conditioning, an alarm pheromone could act as an unconditioned
stimulus (US). Here we test this hypothesis by establishing whether repeated
exposure to alarm pheromone in different testing contexts modifies the alarm
response. We evaluate colony level alarm responses in the stingless bee,
Tetragonisca angustula, which has a morphologically
distinct guard caste. First, we describe the overall topology of defense
behaviors in the presence of an alarm pheromone. Second, we show that repeated,
regular exposure to synthetic alarm pheromone reduces different components of
the alarm response, and memory of that exposure decays over time. This observed
decrease followed by recovery occurs over different time frames and is
consistent with behavioral habituation. We further tested whether the alarm
pheromone can act as a US to classically condition guards to modify their
defense behaviors in the presence of a novel (conditioned) stimulus (CS). We
found no consistent changes in the response to the CS. Our study demonstrates
the possibility that colony-level alarm responses can be adaptively modified by
experience in response to changing environmental threats. Further studies are
now needed to reveal the extent of these habituation-like responses in regard to
other pheromones, the potential mechanisms that underlie this phenomenon, and
the range of adaptive contexts in which they function at the colony level.