“…The diversity of psychological problems successfully treated include, but is not limited to, anxiety (Gaesser, 2014), addictions (Church & Brooks, 2014), posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), both individual and large-scale trauma events (Boath, Stewart, & Rolling, 2014; Church & Brooks, 2014; Church et al, 2013; Church & Feinstein, 2012; Church, Pina, Reategui, & Brooks, 2012; Connolly & Sakai, 2012; Dunnewold, 2014; Gallo, 2013; Gurret, Caufour, Palmer-Hoffman, & Church, 2012; Hartung & Stein, 2012; Karatzias et al, 2011; Lake, 2014; Robson & Robson, 2012; Sheldon, 2014; Stein & Brooks, 2011; Zhang, Feng, Xie, Xu, & Chen, 2011), dyslexia (McCallion, 2012), academic performance (Boath, Stewart, & Carrier, 2013; Jain & Rubino, 2012), weight loss and cravings (Church & Brooks, 2010; Stapleton, Sheldon, & Porter, 2012; Stapleton, Sheldon, Porter, & Whitty, 2010), depression (Church, De Asis, & Brooks, 2012; Stapleton, Church, Sheldon, Porter, & Carlopio, 2013; Stapleton, Devine, Chatwin, Porter, & Sheldon, 2014), and phobias (Baker & Siegel, 2010; Salas, Brooks, & Rowe, 2011; Temple & Mollon, 2011), including fear of public speaking (Fitch, Schmuldt, & Rudick, 2011; Jones, Thornton, & Andrews, 2011; Schoninger & Hartung, 2010). The use of EFT to intervene with physical conditions is just as widespread and diverse and includes diverse problems such as psoriasis (Hodge, 2011), seizure disorders (Swingle, 2010), fibromyalgia (Brattberg, 2008), headache (Bougea et al, 2013), and sports performance enhancement (Church, 2009; Church & Downs, 2012; Llewellyn-Edwards & Llewellyn-Edwards, 2012; Rotheram, Maynard, Thomas, Bawden, & Francis...…”