Owing to the lack of a comprehensive published procedure for the design of stiffened extended shear tabs, practicing engineers usually follow design guides for unstiffened shear tabs. The results of recent laboratory experiments and numerical analyses have demonstrated that improvements to this design approach are warranted. Furthermore, design methods for this connection type under loading scenarios including combined axial and shear forces are not well established. To address these shortcomings, full-scale laboratory tests were carried out on the double-sided configuration of stiffened extended beam-to-girder shear tabs with full depth shear plates. These experiments were complemented by a thoroughly validated finite element (FE) study. Based on the results of these experiments and FE simulations, the connection failure modes were characterized and the axial force along with the other main parameters that affect the connection behaviour were further examined. The current design practice for the double-sided configuration of the full-depth extended beam-to-girder shear tab was also evaluated.