subsurface remediation, studies to improve our understanding of the effect of surfactants on unsaturated flow Surfactants may occur naturally in the subsurface or may be introand transport are merited. duced anthropogenically. Because of their ability to reduce surfaceThe primary impact of surfactants on unsaturated tension and modify the solid-liquid contact angle, surfactants affect capillarity in unsaturated porous media. We review the current state flow in soils is through the dependence of surface tenof knowledge regarding surfactant effects on unsaturated flow and sion of the air-water interface on surfactant concentratransport in water-wetted porous media. Surfactant effects on moistion. Because capillary pressure is a function of surface ture retention and unsaturated hydraulic conductivity are reviewed, tension, surfactant-induced reductions in surface tenas well as experimental evidence of surfactant effects on unsaturated sion can cause proportional decreases in capillary presflow. Surfactants can cause significant flow perturbations that do not sure. The surfactant-induced changes in capillary presoccur in constant surface tension systems. Noteworthy effects include sure result in a scaling of the moisture content-pressure surfactant-induced unsaturated flow that arises from surfactant conhead relationship along the pressure axis (e.g., Salehzacentration-dependent surface tension gradients, as well as capillary deh and Demond, 1994;Gillham, 1994, 1999; fringe depression proportional to the surfactant-induced relative re- Lord et al., 1997Lord et al., , 2000Dury et al., 1998). Furthermore, duction in surface tension. Most of the available data is from laboratory experiments; consequently, questions still remain about the rela-differences in capillary pressure can exist between surtive importance of surfactant-induced effects on field-scale flow and factant-free and surfactant-contaminated zones that transport processes. Numerical models that account for surfactant efgenerate associated hydraulic gradients in unsaturated fects on flow provide useful tools for assessing the importance of these porous media. The magnitude of the surfactant-induced effects and should prove useful for designing surfactant-based remecapillary pressure gradient will depend on the surfacedial schemes. We review simulations of unsaturated flow and transport active properties of the surfactant, including surfactant in systems containing surfactants, as well as models that may be useful type, surfactant concentration, and solution chemistry. for conducting such simulations. Comparisons of simulated and experi-The induced hydraulic gradients can cause significant mental data indicate that hysteresis and dispersivity effects on simuunsaturated flow. lation results can be important considerations. Future research A considerable body of work exists related to the use directions should include the collection of additional field and laboratory-scale data and expanded modeling efforts.of surfactants in the petroleum industry for enha...