Finding a number of nodes that are able to maximize the spread of influence through the social network and are called influence maximization has numerous applications in marketing. One such application is to find influential members for promoting a product across a large network. Even though numerous algorithms have been proposed, challenges such as scalability, time constraints, and low accuracy have motivated the researchers for better solutions. Some of the newly proposed algorithms are scalable, but fail to provide adequate accuracy. On the other hand, some greedy algorithms provide a good level of accuracy but are very time consuming for large networks. In this paper, an algorithm is proposed called FAIMCS that can quickly find influential nodes across large networks with high accuracy. FAIMCS, reduces computational overhead considerably by eliminating major portions of the social network graph which have little influence. FAIMCS uses community detection algorithm to determine each community's quota of influential nodes based on the structure of that community. Finally, it obtains influential nodes from the candidate nodes. Experiment results show FAIMCS is faster than current algorithms and provides a high level of accuracy for large social networks.