This case study describes challenges associated with the authors' ongoing efforts to institute a token program in a residential foster care facility. This privately funded facility houses children and adolescents in a community group home format. Inadequate or neglectful parenting is the most common circumstance accounting for the children's placement. Adjustment problems and oppositional behavior in the residential cottages prompted the facility to contract for consultative psychological services. Consultants spent approximately 20 hr a week in the facility observing resident-caregiver interactions, designing a comprehensive token program targeting inappropriate child behavior, and training and monitoring implementation of the program. Although facility staff reported a desire to learn how to manage better the residents' oppositional and defiant behavior, and were heavily involved in development of the token program, they exhibited resistance to and noncompliance with the token program as soon as it was put into place. In addition to discussing these difficulties, suggestions for promoting an effective token intervention within this type of setting are discussed.A token economy is a method for increasing appropriate/desirable behavior and decreasing undesirable behaviors (Spiegler & Guevermont, 2003). Based on principles of operant conditioning, behavioral contingencies are developed to meet the specific needs of each client. A behavioral contingency refers to the desired behavior that a client must perform for specified consequences to be delivered (Kazdin, 1977). In a token economy, a client earns tokens for performing a desired behavior. The tokens are later exchanged for various reinforcers (i.e., backup reinforcers). A token system is comprised of four basic factors: (a) a list of target behaviors and how many tokens at UNIV OF GEORGIA LIBRARIES on May 26, 2015 Downloaded from Bailey et al.
279can be earned for performing each behavior, (b) a list of backup reinforcers and how many tokens each backup reinforcer is worth, (c) the token, and (d) rules and procedures for how the token system will be managed.Token economies are an effective method for teaching new skills and motivating new behavior in a wide variety of age groups (Spiegler & Guevermont, 2003). When developing a token economy, it is important to specify what behaviors must be performed for tokens to be earned. It is thought that the advanced specification helps prevent staff or caregivers from distributing tokens noncontingently (Kazdin, 1977). Having specific behavioral and programmatic guidelines also increases likelihood of program and behavioral compliance. Token economies have been used to directly increase academic skills, reduce stuttering, and improve table manners. Token programs are appropriate for individuals of all age ranges (e.g., children to elderly) and can be adapted to a wide range of intelligence levels and settings (e.g., homes, classrooms, hospitals, and group homes). Providing staff with tangible reinforcers...