We implement externally excited ZnO Mie resonators in a framework of a generalized Hubbard Hamiltonian to investigate the lifetimes of excitons and exciton-polaritons out of thermodynamical equilibrium. Our results are derived by a Floquet-Keldysh-Green's formalism with Dynamical Mean Field Theory (DMFT) and a second order iterative perturbation theory solver (IPT). We find that the Fano resonance which originates from coupling of the continuum of electronic density of states to the semiconductor Mie resonator yields polaritons with lifetimes between 0.6 ps and 1.45 ps. These results are compared to ZnO polariton lasers and to ZnO random lasers. We interpret the peaks of the exciton-polariton lifetimes in our results as a sign of gain narrowing which may lead to stable polariton lasing modes in the single excited ZnO Mie resonator. This form of gain may lead to polariton random lasing in an ensemble of ZnO Mie resonators in the non-equilibrium.
PACS: 42.55.-f lasers; 71.10.-w theories and models of many-electron systems; 42.50.Hz strong-field excitation of optical transitions in quantum systems; multi-photon processes; dynamic Stark shift; 74.40+ Fluctuations; 03.75.Lm Tunneling, Josephson effect, Bose-Einstein condensates in periodic potentials, solitons, vortices, and topological excitations; 72.20.Ht high-field and nonlinear effects; 71.36.+c polaritons; 71.35.-y excitons and related phenomena; 42.55.Px semiconductor lasers, laser diodes; 89.75.-k complex systems