We have developed and implemented a new quantum molecular dynamics approximation that allows fast and accurate simulations of dense plasmas from cold to hot conditions. The method is based on a carefully designed orbital-free implementation of density functional theory (DFT). The results for hydrogen and aluminum are in very good agreement with Kohn-Sham (orbital-based) DFT and path integral Monte Carlo (PIMC) for microscopic features such as the electron density as well as equation of state. The present approach does not scale with temperature and hence extends to higher temperatures than is accessible in Kohn-Sham method and lower temperatures than is accessible by PIMC, while being significantly less computationally expensive than either of those two methods.A significant challenge of high energy density physics is the determination of the fundamental properties of plasmas (e.g. equation of state, transport properties) over a wide range of temperatures and densities [1,2]. Systems of particular focus include warm dense matter [3], inertial confinement fusion, notably the compression pathway to ignition, and astrophysical plasmas. Two methods have emerged as standards for such calculations which have yielded quality results. Those are Kohn-Sham density functional theory based molecular dynamics [4-6] and path integral Monte Carlo [7,8]. Due to the nature of the method, PIMC becomes prohibitive as the temperature is decreased and Kohn-Sham DFT becomes prohibitive with increasing temperature as the number of required orbitals increases with temperature and in general the method scales as the cube of the number of orbitals. It is possible to find the region of overlap for these calculations, but such a region is generally difficult for both methods [8,9]. In this letter we develop and implement an orbital-free DFT formulation which provides accuracy at the level of Kohn-Sham DFT and PIMC while spanning from low to high temperatures, without any scaling with temperature and at significantly lower computational cost than the other two methods.In DFT the fundamental quantity is the free energy, which is minimized to find the electron density. For a given ionic configuration the free energy is a functional of the electron density, n, and is given by [10]