This initial study of CBT and DCS to treat pediatric PTSD provided suggestive and preliminary evidence for more rapid symptom recovery and beneficial effects on attention, but did not show an overall greater effect for reducing PTSD symptoms. It appears that augmentation with DCS represents unique challenges in PTSD. Because PTSD involves complex, life-threatening trauma memories, as opposed to the imagined dreadful outcomes of other anxiety disorders, the use of DCS may require greater attention to how its use is coupled with exposure-based techniques. DCS may have inadvertently enhanced reconsolidation of trauma memories rather than more positive and adaptive memories. In addition, the results suggest that future research could focus on the longer-term benefits of DCS on attention and ways to capitalize on attention-enhancing therapies. registry: Effect of D-cycloserine on Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in Youth, #NCT01157416, , and D-cycloserine Adjunctive Treatment for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in Adolescents, #NCT01157429, .