A diet-induced negative energy balance triggers compensatory mechanisms, e.g., lower metabolic rate and increased appetite. However, knowledge about potential compensatory mechanisms triggered by increased aerobic exercise is limited. A randomized controlled trial was performed in healthy, sedentary, moderately overweight young men to examine the effects of increasing doses of aerobic exercise on body composition, accumulated energy balance, and the degree of compensation. Eighteen participants were randomized to a continuous sedentary control group, 21 to a moderate-exercise (MOD; 300 kcal/day), and 22 to a high-exercise (HIGH; 600 kcal/day) group for 13 wk, corresponding to ϳ30 and 60 min of daily aerobic exercise, respectively. Body weight (MOD: Ϫ3.6 kg, P Ͻ 0.001; HIGH: Ϫ2.7 kg, P ϭ 0.01) and fat mass (MOD: Ϫ4.0 kg, P Ͻ 0.001 and HIGH: Ϫ3.8 kg, P Ͻ 0.001) decreased similarly in both exercise groups. Although the exercise-induced energy expenditure in HIGH was twice that of MOD, the resulting accumulated energy balance, calculated from changes in body composition, was not different (MOD: Ϫ39.6 Mcal, HIGH: Ϫ34.3 Mcal, not significant). Energy balance was 83% more negative than expected in MOD, while it was 20% less negative than expected in HIGH. No statistically significant changes were found in energy intake or nonexercise physical activity that could explain the different compensatory responses associated with 30 vs. 60 min of daily aerobic exercise. In conclusion, a similar body fat loss was obtained regardless of exercise dose. A moderate dose of exercise induced a markedly greater than expected negative energy balance, while a higher dose induced a small but quantifiable degree of compensation.exercise; body weight regulation; compensatory mechanisms; energy balance ALTHOUGH A MODERN SEDENTARY lifestyle along with overeating has been put forward as "Big Two" factors in the etiology of obesity (3,10,29), the outcomes of structured exercise programs designed to promote weight loss are often modest (42,58). This has led to the general (mis)conception that exercise, in itself, is a poor weight management strategy (20,42,49). Apart from a potential lack of compliance, the discrepancy between predicted and observed weight loss is likely due to a combination of physiological and behavioral compensatory changes affecting energy balance. These compensatory changes cause the accumulated energy balance during an exercise intervention to be less negative than would be theoretically predicted from the exercise-induced energy expenditure (ExEE), i.e., the total amount of energy expenditure that is caused by the exercise intervention (12,32,34).Body energy stores are protected against long-term negative energy balance resulting from caloric restriction by a greater than predicted reduction in resting energy expenditure (REE) (28), a decrease in nonexercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) (40,45), an increase in the metabolic efficiency of physical activity (16,35), and an increase in hedonic (21) and hormonal mediators o...