Executive SummaryIn this article, we highlight the impact of culture on relationships of authority, trust, and performance in U.S.-Mexican alliance negotiations. Using a sample of 55 Mexican firms with experience in alliances with U.S. counterparts, we propose cultural foundations to explain the outcomes of these negotiations in terms of governance structure (authority) and relationships (trust) in the alliance, and link these negotiation outcomes to Mexican partner perceptions of alliance performance. We find that Mexican managers view authority balance as a positive contributor to alliance performance, while authority advantage-even when benefiting the Mexican partner at the expense of the U.S. partner-is viewed as having a negative impact on performance. Trust also plays an important role in alliance performance. We highlight several examples of alliance negotiations between U.S. and Mexican corporations to illustrate these findings, and present other challenges and opportunities in cross-cultural negotiations. We draw implications of our research for managers engaged in similar cross-cultural negotiations.