Intracerebral grafting techniques of fetal
neural cells have been used essentially with
two main types of lesion paradigms, namely
damage to long projection systems, in which
the source and the target are clearly separate,
and damage to neurons that are involved in
local circuits within a small (sub)region of the
brain. With the’first lesion paradigm, grafts
placed homotopically (in the source) are not
appropriate because their fibers grow poorly
through the host parenchyma and fail to reach
their normal target. To be successful, the
grafts must be placed ectopically in the target
region of the damaged projection systems,
where generally they work as level-setting
systems. Conversely, with the second paradigm,
the grafts are supposed to compensate for a
local loss of neurons and must be placed
homotopically to induce functional effects that
are based on the reconstruction of a point-to-point
circuitry. By inserting a biological or
artificial bridging-substrate between the source
and the target of long projection systems, it
might be possible to combine the positive
effects of both homotopic and ectopic grafting
by achieving both target reinnervation and
normal control of the grafted neurons within
the source area. These issues are illustrated
and discussed in this review.