The hippocampus is involved in aspects of both working and episodic memory, and is a central region of interest in diseases affecting these processes. While the role of the hippocampus in memory is studied predominantly in rodents, rodent neurological disease models have not historically translated well to human treatment. Non-human primate disease models, while highly translational, present both economic and ethical challenges. Therefore, an alternative research model is required to study memory and cognition during development and to follow disease progression. Because pig models are widely used in other translational research, they may provide an excellent compromise between rodents and non-human primates due in part to the gyrencephalic neuroanatomy and significant white matter composition of the porcine brain.In addition, the porcine hippocampal anatomy and cytoarchitecture more closely resembles that of primates than rodents. To advance the study of the neurophysiology of the pig hippocampus and related structures, we utilized stereotaxis combined with single-unit electrophysiological mapping to precisely place laminar silicon depth probes into the dorsal hippocampus of miniature pigs without the need for image guidance. We then implemented an in vivo, electrophysiology-based methodology to identify hippocampal layers and to examine hippocampal neurophysiology using these depth probes. This methodology allowed for the simultaneous recording of laminar field potentials and single-cell activity in multiple layers in the dorsal hippocampus. The laminar structure of dorsal hippocampus and the precise location of the probes were confirmed by electrophysiology and histopathology, eliminating the need to recover electrode tracks in future animals. This methodology allows us to investigate hippocampal electrophysiology under anesthesia, with potential expansion into awake behaving neurophysiology. Accessible neurophysiology of the pig hippocampus may allow for the development of new translational models of neurological disorders, with the possibility of evaluating the neuronal and circuitry disruptions that underlie cognitive and memory dysfunction.peer-reviewed)