Wamnes, S., Lewis, N. J. and Berry, R. J. 2008. The behaviour of early-weaned piglets following transport: Effect of season and weaning weight. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 88: 357Á367. Two groups of 48 Cotswold piglets were weaned at 1791 d of age and assigned to road or simulated transport during summer or winter. Following transport (0, 6, 12 or 24 h), piglets were grouped by weaning weight (light, medium and heavy) in pens of four. Piglet behaviour was recorded on days 1Á4, 7 and 14 after weaning and transport. As transport duration increased, drinking behaviour increased (PB0.05). Control (0 h) piglets fed less (1.5%) than transported piglets (3.1%) during the first 3 d in housing. Significant differences were observed on days 2 and 3 only (PB0.02). Across season and transport treatment, heavy piglets spent more time fighting (PB0.005) during the first day in housing, and less time feeding (PB0.05) during the first 3 d in housing compared with light and medium piglets. During the first 3 d in weanling pens, piglets spent less time feeding following road transport (2.4%) than following simulated transport (2.9%, PB0.05). Piglets transported by road also spent more time engaged in oral/nasal behaviour during the first 3 d in housing compared with simulated transport groups, although this reached significance on day 3 only (PB0.05). These results suggest that transport of early-weaned piglets may exacerbate the stress of weaning through additional stress related to factors associated with truck movement, such as noise and vibration, and by imposing an increased risk of dehydration following long journeys (12 h).Key words: Early weaning, transport, pigs, behaviour, season Wamnes, S., Lewis, N. J. et Berry, R. J. 2008. Comportement des porcelets sevre´s haˆtivement apre`s le transport : incidence de la saison et du poids au sevrage. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 88: 357Á367. Deux groupes de 48 porcelets Cotswold ont e´te´sevre´s a1 791 jours et transporte´s par camion en e´te´ou en hiver, ou ont subi une telle simulation. Apre`s le transport (0, 6, 12 ou 24 h), les sujets ont e´te´place´s dans des enclos par groupe de quatre, selon leur poids (le´ger, moyen ou lourd). Les auteurs ont ensuite note´leur comportement 1Á4, 7 et 14 jours apre`s le sevrage et le transport. Les animaux boivent plus quand le transport se prolonge (PB0,05). Au cours des trois premiers jours dans l'enclos, les te´moins (0 h de transport) mangent moins (1,5 %) que les porcelets qui ont e´te´transporte´s (3,1 %). On ne note de variation importante que les deuxie`me et troisie`me jours (PB0,02). Peu importe la saison et la dure´e du transport, les porcelets lourds passent plus de temps a`se battre (PB0,005) la premie`re journe´e et moins de temps a`se nourrir (PB0,05) les trois premiers jours, comparativement aux animaux de poids le´ger ou moyen. Durant les trois premiers jours dans l'enclos, les porcelets passent moins de temps as e nourrir apre`s le transport routier (2,4 %) qu'apre`s une simulation de ce dernier (2,9 %, PB0,05). Les animaux transporte´s re´el...