The aim of this paper was to determine basic technological traits and sensory acceptance of dry game sausages with addition of bay leaf (Laurus nobilis L.) essential oil. For that purpose, three treatments were established: controlled C, L1 with addition of 0.005% of bay leaf essential oil, and L2 with addition of 0.01% of bay leaf essential oil. Measurement of pH, water activity and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) values were performed at the end of production, while after storage for 2 months in vacuum and cold sensory hedonic test on 106 subjects was done. It was found that sausages with added bay leaf essential oil had significantly lower pH values (L1 and L2 treatment), water activity (L1 treatment) and TBARS values (L1 and L2 treatment) compared to control treatment C. Statistical analysis of sensory data revealed that sausages from C treatment were rated with significantly higher acceptability and willingness to buy than L1 and L2 treatments. It was established that sensory traits of sausages from treatment C were liked in 98.61% of consumers, from treatment L1 in 90.93%, while sausages from treatment L2 were liked in 85.71% of consumers. The highest proportion of consumers willing to buy sausages were in treatment C (91.11%), followed by sausages in treatment L1 (84.31%), and the lowest proportion were in treatment L2 (66.67%). Although beneficial impact of addition of bay leaf essential oil on technological traits was found, there was an unfavorable effect on sensory traits and willingness to buy sausages possibly due to the consumers' existing expectation of sensory characteristics of dry game sausages.
Journal of CentralEuropean Agriculture, 2017, 18(4), p.794-805 DOI: 10.5513/JCEA01/18.4.1961 794 Journal of Central European Agriculture, 2017, 18(4), p.794-805 DOI: 10.5513/JCEA01/18.4.1961 794 Journal of Central European Agriculture, 2017, 18(4), p.794-805 DOI: 10.5513/JCEA01/18.4.1961 794 Journal of Central European Agriculture, 2017, 18(4
SažetakCilj rada bio je utvrditi osnovna tehnološka svojstva i senzornu prihvatljivost trajnih kobasica od mesa divljači s dodatkom eteričnog ulja lovora (Laurus nobilis L.). U tu svrhu napravljena su tri tretmana: kontrolni C, L1 tretman s dodatkom 0,005% i L2 tretman s dodatkom 0,01% eteričnog ulja lovora. Mjerenja vrijednosti pH, aktiviteta vode i reaktivnih spojeva tiobarbiturne kiseline (TBARS) izvršena su na kraju proizvodnje, dok je nakon 2 mjeseca čuvanja u vakuumu i na hladnom proveden senzorni hedonistički test na 106 potrošača. Utvrđeno je da su kobasice s dodatkom eteričnog ulja lovora imale značajno niže vrijednosti pH (L1 i L2 tretman), aktiviteta vode (L1 tretman) i TBARS (L1 i L2 tretman) u odnosu na kontrolni tretman. Statističkom analizom podataka senzorne analize utvrđeno je da su kobasice C tretmana bile ocijenjene značajno većom prihvatljivosti i spremnosti na kupnju u odnosu na L1 i L2 tretmane. Ustanovljeno je da su senzorna svojstva kobasica C tretmana bila prihvatljiva kod 98,61% ispitanika, kobasica L1 tretmana kod...