Abstract:We experimentally characterized a birefringent microstructured polymer fiber of specific construction, which allows for single mode propagation in two cores separated by a pair of large holes. The fiber exhibits high birefringence in each of the cores as well as relatively weak coupling between the cores. Spectral dependence of the group and the phase modal birefringence was measured using an interferometric method. We have also measured the sensing characteristics of the fiber such as polarimetric sensitivity to hydrostatic pressure, strain and temperature. Moreover, we have studied the effect of hydrostatic pressure and strain on coupling between the cores. 23-33 (1990). 32. W. Xu, X. F. Yao, H. Y. Yeh, and G. C. Jin, "Fracture investigation of PMMA specimen using coherent gradient sensing (CGS) technology," Polym. Test. 24(7), 900-908 (2005).
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