This paper reports on the influence of a polymer additive on the traction behaviour of a mineral oil investigated using a twodisc machine at different temperatures and contact pressures. A semi-empirical approach was used for determining the effective lubricant rheological parameters -the elasiic shear modulus, the viscosity of the lubricant, and the 1im.iting and Eyring stresses -in elastohydrodynamic contacts. Using this approach, the effect of polymer concentration on the rheological parameters that appear in both the Johnson-Tevaarwerk and Bair-Winer models was quantified. The influence of operating conditions, such as pressure, oil temperature, and polymer concentration, on the traction coefficient, limiting shear stress (from the Bair-Winer model), Eyring stress (from the JohnsonTeuaarwerk model), shear modulus, and apparent viscosity was also investigated. Nomenclature a b B" B-W E E' G G, hcen J-T N half-width of an elliptical contact in the transverse direction, m half-width of an elliptical contact iit the rolling direction, m slope of traction curve in the linear region Bair-Winer rheological model elastic component equivalent elastic modulus of contact bodies, N/m2 elastic shear modulus of lubricant, IUm2 dimensionless material parameter =: aE' thermally central film thickness, m Johnson-Tevaarwerk rheological m.)del normal load contact, N