Coinciding with the rising non-communicable disease (NCD) prevalence worldwide is the increasing frequency and severity of natural hazards. Protecting populations with NCDs against natural hazards is ever more pressing given their increased risk of morbidity and mortality in disaster contexts.
This investigation examined Hurricane Maria’s impact across 10 communities in Puerto Rico to determine whether and how disaster impact and community attributes affected NCD management. We conducted 40 qualitative interviews with mayors, first responders, faith leaders, community leaders, and municipal employees, with 4 interviews per selected municipality. Using QSR NVivo software, we coded interview transcripts and created categorical community-level impact variables based on participant responses. We undertook thematic analysis to characterize community-level impact and consequences for NCD management, and to identify convergent and divergent themes. Using a matrix coding query, we compared NCD management experiences across communities by impact variables and community attributes.
The delivery of healthcare, pharmacy, and dialysis services was compromised due to facility structural damage and ineffective contingencies for electrical power and water supply. The challenges resulting from power outages were immediate, and individuals who were reliant on life-sustaining medical equipment, dialysis, or the refrigeration of medications were most vulnerable. Inaccessible roadways and the need to travel greater distances to locate operational health services were major impediments to transporting patients in need of NCD care, with those requiring dialysis and living in remote, mountainous communities at highest risk due to landslides and lengthy roadway obstruction. These barriers were compounded by limited communication to locate services and coordinate care. Two weeks post-hurricane, emerging challenges to NCD management included widespread diesel fuel shortages for generators, and shortages in medications, oxygen, and medical supplies. In the weeks to months post-hurricane, the emergence or exacerbation of mental health disorders was characterized as a pressing health concern.
Study findings identify contributors to morbidity and mortality among individuals with NCDs following Hurricane Maria. The degree to which these impacts were experienced across communities with different characteristics is discussed, offering important lessons regarding the impact of catastrophic disasters on NCD management for improve community disaster resilience.