Digital games are frequently described as media that can be crucial in strengthening relationships, enhancing cognitive skills and providing social support. Although considerable empirical research on the use of digital games in youth and stereotypes on gender or ethnicity has been widely covered, there have been few studies on age stereotyping in the game context. In addition, this type of stereotypegame-ageism is likely to negatively affect age identity and intergroup communication amongst players, which could hinder to bridge the gap between different generations. Drawn on a literature review, this position paper introduces the concept of game-ageism as an age stereotype that is still set in our game culture. It also seeks to remedy this problem by suggesting an opposite ideological movementage-gameism that refers to widening the audience of the game industry to all ages. In general, this paper offers a contribution in the field of media and society by highlighting the need for developing games for all ages, encouraging a positive age identity, enhancing intergroup communication and a heterogeneous game culture.