. (1976). Thorax, 31,[660][661][662][663][664]. Sarcoidosis of the upper respiratory tract and its association with lupus pernio. In a series of 34 patients with sarcoidosis affecting the upper respiratory tract and nose, 26 had lupus pernio (LP) and 17 had sarcoidosis of the upper respiratory tract (SURT). In nine patients these features coexisted. A patient presenting with SURT carried a 50% risk of developing LP although one feature could be present without the other. Both were disorders of women of the child-bearing years of life. SURT, like LP, was an indicator of chronic fibrotic sarcoidosis, developing insidiously and progressing indolently over the years. It was complicated by ulceration, septal perforation, and LP. Three patients had nasal septal perforations, in two instances following submucous resection. This operation is contraindicated in patients with active sarcoidosis, particularly when granulomas are found on nasal biopsy. The KveimSiltzbach skin test was positive in all patients with SURT, making it invaluable in the differential diagnosis of granuloma of the nasal cavity.Lupus pernio (LP) is a chronic, persistent, violaceous skin lesion with a predilection for nose, cheeks, and ears. Since this is a cosmetic disaster, its early recognition and possible prevention are important. Lupus pernio is a manifestation of chronic multisystem sarcoidosis