In this manuscript, a general method for deriving filtering algorithms that involve a network of interconnected Bayesian filters is proposed. This method is based on the idea that the processing accomplished inside each of the Bayesian filters and the interactions between them can be represented as message passing algorithms over a proper graphical model. The usefulness of our method is exemplified by developing new filtering techniques, based on the interconnection of a particle filter and an extended Kalman filter, for conditionally linear Gaussian systems. Numerical results for two specific dynamic systems evidence that the devised algorithms can achieve a better complexity-accuracy tradeoff than marginalized particle filtering and multiple particle filtering. particle filter are run over partially overlapped state vectors. In both cases, however, two heterogeneous filtering methods are combined in a way that the resulting overall algorithm is forward only and, within each of its recursions, both methods are executed only once. Another class of solutions, known as multiple particle filtering (MPF), is based on the idea of partitioning the state vector into multiple substates and running multiple particle filters in parallel, one on each subspace [9], [12]- [15]. The resulting network of particle filters requires the mutual exchange of statistical information (in the form of estimates/predictions of the tracked substates or parametric distributions), so that, within each filter, the unknown portion of the state vector can be integrated out in both weight computation and particle propagation. In principle, MPF can be employed only when the selected substates are separable in the state equation, even if approximate solutions can be devised to circumvent this problem [15]. Moreover, the technical literature about MPF has raised three interesting technical issues that have received limited attention until now. The first issue refers to the possibility of coupling an extended Kalman filter with each particle filter of the network; the former filter should provide the latter one with the statistical information required for integrating out the unknown portion of the state vector (see [14, Par. 3.2]). The second one concerns the use of filters having partially overlapped substates (see [13, Sec.1]). The third (and final) issue, instead, concerns the iterative exchange of statistical information among the interconnected filters of the network. Some work related to the first issue can be found in [16], where the application of MPF to target tracking in a cognitive radar network has been investigated. In this case, however, the proposed solution is based on Rao-Blackwellisation; for this reason, each particle filter of the network is not coupled with a single extended Kalman filter, but with a bank of Kalman filters. The second issue has not been investigated at all, whereas limited attention has been paid to the third one; in fact, the last problem has been investigated only in [12], where a specific iterative method ba...