To assess current emergency department (ED) provider practices and preferences for tobacco cessation interventions. The ED is an opportune place to initiate smoking cessation interventions. However, little is known about ED provider current practices and preferences for cessation counseling in the ED.
This was a survey of ED providers conducted in 2008–2009 (including physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and nurses), working at least half-time at ten U.S. academic EDs, regarding adherence to clinical practice guidelines (“5 As”) and preferences for cessation interventions/styles. Data analysis occurred in 2012–2013.
The response rate was 64% (799 out of 1,246 completed surveys). Providers reported strongest adherence to asking about patient smoking status, followed by advising, with significant variance by clinical role. Assessing, assisting, and arranging support for patients was low overall. Most frequently used interventions were to provide patients with a list of telephone numbers for stop-smoking counseling (87%), pamphlets on smoking health risks and the benefits of stopping (85%), and referrals to the National Toll-Free Smoker’s Quitline (84%). Most providers (80%) were supportive of personally conducting brief (less than three minutes) smoking cessation counseling sessions during the ED visit, emphasizing education and encouragement. The least appealing intervention was writing a prescription for nicotine replacement therapies or medications to stop smoking (35%).
Interventions most likely to be used were brief, delivered with a positive tone, and included referral to external resources. The logical next step is to design and test interventions that ED providers find acceptable.