Imitation, or mimicry, is a common occurrence during social encounters, and involves 58 spontaneous copying of others' actions and gestures [4]. Although such behaviour rarely 59 reaches conscious awareness for either interaction partner, it subconsciously signals a desire to 60 affiliate and build rapport [5]. For example, people who are imitated are bigger tippers [6], 61 donate more to charity [7], engage in prosocial behaviours [7,8,9, 10] and indicate liking 62 people who imitate them more than those that do not [6]. Clearly, then, imitation can play an 63 important role in guiding social interactions. To clarify the role imitation can play across 64 different social contexts, recent research has started to identify its antecedents [1, 2]. For 65 example, prosocial priming can increase imitative behaviour [1]. Thus, there exists a bi-66 directional relationship between imitation and prosociality; those who are imitated behave 67 more prosocially and those who are prosocially primed imitate more. These studies have all 68 employed observational techniques to study imitation, with the measurement being the 69 frequency of observed copying behaviours during live social interaction. 70Other researchers devised an index of imitation that is based on reaction time measures. 71The automatic imitation task [11,12] is an example of a stimulus-response-compatibility (SRC) 72 paradigm, referring to the fact that people cannot help but be affected by the presence of an 73 irrelevant stimulus feature [13,14]. In one well-established automatic imitation task, 74 . CC-BY 4.0 International license It is made available under a (which was not peer-reviewed) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity.The copyright holder for this preprint . doi: bioRxiv preprint first posted online May. 29, 2018; 4 individuals are instructed to respond to a number cue by lifting their index or middle finger. 75Concurrently, participants either observe a congruent or incongruent finger movement. 76Reactions times (RT) are longer in the incongruent compared to congruent condition and this 77 difference is thought to signify the cost of inhibiting an imitative response [1,15]. Here, then, 78 imitation is captured as the time it takes to suppress the urge to copy an observed action and 79 prioritise one's own action. The tendency towards imitation (incongruent RT less congruent 80 RT) will hereafter be referred to as the congruency effect. 81A handful of studies have explored the effects of prosocial priming on automatic 82 imitation [16,17, 18]. Priming is thought to operate by subtly triggering a goal that 83 unconsciously guides behaviour [19]. The logic of these studies is that a prosocial prime would 84 activate a goal to affiliate and that this goal would be achieved through increasing the tendency 85 to imitate [16]. Despite using slightly different variants of the automatic imitation task and 86 different experimental designs (see Method section, T...