The objective of this article is to develop a boundary element numerical model to solve coupled problems involving heat energy diffusion, convection and radiation in a participating medium. In this study, the contributions from radiant energy transfer are presented using two approaches for optical thick fluids: the Rosseland diffusion approximation and the P1 approximation. The governing NavierStokes equations are written in the velocity-vorticity formulation for the kinematics and kinetics of the fluid motion. The approximate numerical solution algorithm is based on a boundary element numerical model in its macro-element formulation. Validity of the proposed implementation is tested on a one-dimensional test case using a grey participating medium at radiative equilibrium between two isothermal black surfaces.
Keywords: compressible fluid flow, radiation models, boundary element method
INTRODUCTIONThe Navier-Stokes equations set is commonly used as a frame for the solution of transport phenomena in a fluid flow. It provides a mathematical model of physical conservation laws of mass, momentum and energy considering specific rheological models describing non-convective fluxes of momentum and energy. In general, all three physically different mechanisms of heat transport can occur, that is diffusion, convection and radiation. The energy radiation phenomenon, which is a complex non-linear mode of heat transfer, gains importance at sufficiently high temperature [1]. At temperatures which are high enough these processes are essentially interdependent; energy transfer by one mechanism can influence heat exchange by the other mechanism and vice versa. The objective of this article is to develop a boundary element numerical simulation model to solve coupled problems involving heat energy diffusion, convection and radiation in a participating viscous compressible fluid flow.The governing equation for radiative heat transfer is the radiative transfer equation [2], which is based on an energy balance for radiation passing through a differential volume in a participating medium in local thermo-dynamic equilibrium.The radiation impact on overall heat transfer is conveyed in the energy equation, where, in the non-convective energy flux, besides the diffusion heat flux the radiative heat flux also needs to be taken into consideration. This is done in such a way that we include the term for the divergence of the radiative flux vector into the energy equation as the radiative energy source [3,4]. The radiative transfer equations (RTE) is an integro-differential equation presenting a serious issue in computational fluid dynamics. Applying the chosen radiation model means, under the given physical circumstances, a simplification of the radiative transfer equation. In this study, the contributions from radiant energy transfer are presented using two approaches for optical thick fluids, that is the Rosseland diffusion approximation and the P1 approximation.