The objective of this study was to investigate the performance of PVDF membrane in degumming of undiluted crude soybean oil by using reverse osmosis/ultrafiltration module. The effects of membrane degumming conditions including temperature, membrane pressure, feed velocity, and volumetric concentration factor on permeate flux and phospholipids rejection were evaluated statistically. The effect of membrane pressure and volumetric concentration factor on the permeate flux was found to be statistically significant (P <0.05). An 86.11% rejection of phospholipids and average permeate flux of 17.04 L/m 2 .h in total process were achieved at 40°C, 20 bar pressure, and 9L/min feed velocity. As the feed velocity increased to 18 L/min, phospholipids rejection and average permeate flux in total process were determined as 82.81% and 27.51 L/m 2 .h, respectively. The flux behavior of PVDF membrane was also studied. Behavior of permeate flux with process time showed two separate regions namely; falling permeate flux region and constant permeate flux region. A second degree polynomial relationship was observed during falling permeate flux region; whereas a linear dependency was set for constant permeate flux region. A logarithmic equation was obtained when total process behavior was examined.Keywords: Soybean oil, phospholipids, PVDF membrane, ultrafiltration
MEMBRAN DEGUMMING KOŞULLARININ PERMEAT AKISI VE FOSFOLİPİTLERİN REDDEDİLMESİ ÜZERİNDEKİ ETKİSİ ÖzBu çal›flman›n amac›; ters osmos/ ultrafiltrasyon modülü kullan›larak soya ya¤›na uygulanan degumming iflleminde polivinilden fulorid (PVDF) membran›n performans›n›n araflt›r›lmas›d›r. Membran degumming ifllem koflullar›n›n (s›cakl›k, membran bas›nc›, besleme h›z›, hacimsel konsantrasyon faktörü) permeat ak›s› ve fosfolipitlerin reddedilme yüzdesi üzerindeki etkisi istatistiksel olarak incelenmifltir. Membran bas›nc›n›n ve hacimsel konsantrasyon faktörünün permeat ak›s› üzerindeki etkisi istatistiksel olarak önemli bulunmufltur (P <0.05). Membran s›cakl›¤›n›n 40°C, membran bas›nc›n›n 20 bar ve besleme h›z›n›n 9L/dak oldu¤u koflullarda fosfolipitlerin reddedilme yüzdesi 86.11, tüm ifllemde ortalama permeat ak›s› ise 17.04 L/m 2 .s olarak belirlenmifltir. Besleme h›z›n›n 18L/dak de¤erine yükselmesi ile fosfolipitlerin reddedilme yüzdesi 82.81, ortalama permeat ak›s› ise 27.51L/m 2 .s olarak saptanm›flt›r. Ayr›ca PVDF membran›n ak› davran›fl› da incelenmifltir. Permeat ak›s›n›n ifllem süresi ile de¤iflimi; ak›n›n sürekli düflme gösterdi¤i birinci bölge ve ak›n›n sabit kald›¤› ikinci bölge olmak üzere iki bölgede tan›mlanm›flt›r. Düflen ak› bölgesi 2. dereceden polinomiyal, sabit ak› bölgesi do¤rusal, tüm ifllem için logaritmik model gelifltirilmifltir.