However, the direct dynamics on the B3LYP/6-31G(d) surface, starting from the transition state with additional 0.6 kcal mol -1 deposited into the reaction coordinate, showed that the reaction took place mildly without hitting the repulsive wall but following the MEP. 34 Such a typical reactive trajectory is shown in Figure 1 by the gray (short dot) line.Significant computing costs can be saved by first constructing a high-quality PES based on accurate but expensive ab initio points covering all dynamically relevant regions. However, it is not an easy task to obtain reliable full-dimensional PESs, whose topology is complicated with reactants and products, saddle points and intermediates. As discussed above, a set of molecular configurations need be sampled first and their electronic energies (and / or forces) are computed at an appropriate level of theory. For a molecular system with Natom atoms (Natom ≥ 3), the full-dimensional PES is dependent on 3Natom -6 molecular intramolecular coordinates. The sampling size increases remarkably with the size of the system. Thanks to the huge development in electronic structure theory and the rapid progress in computing power, it is now straightforward to calculate reliable energies of hundreds of thousands of configurations. There are many electronic structure methods of varying accuracies and computing speeds, such as the Hartree-Fock method, the Moller-Plesset (MPn) perturbation methods, 35,36 and more sophisticated electron correlation methods, including the highly accurate coupled cluster method (e.g. CCSD(T)), 37 the configuration interaction method, 38 the complete-active-space self-consistent field (CASSCF) [39][40][41] or its variants, CASPT2, CASPT3, and the multi-reference configuration interaction method (MRCI). [41][42][43] Generally, with a bigger basis set and more sophisticated post-Hartree-Fock electron correlation treatment, the result is generally more reliable. Recently, Dawes and his coworkers have reviewed recent developments in single-and multireference electronic structure methods that are used to obtain accurate energies for constructing global molecular PESs. 44 Nonetheless, one has to perform comprehensive tests to choose an appropriate electronic structure method for good and consistent description of all sampling data with acceptable calculation cost.