The most common methodology used to detect and characterize mesoscale eddies in the global ocean is to analyze altimetry-based sea-level gridded products with an automatic eddy detection and tracking algorithm. However, a careful look at the location of altimetry tracks shows that their separation is often larger than the Rossby radius of deformation. This implies that gridded products based on the information obtained along track would potentially be unable to characterize the mesoscale variability and, in particular, the eddy field. In this study, we analyze up to what extent sea-level gridded products are able to characterize mesoscale eddies with a special focus on the North Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. In order to perform this task, we have generated synthetic sea level anomaly maps using along-track data extracted from realistic high-resolution ocean model simulations and applying an optimal interpolation procedure. Then, we have used an eddy detection and tracking algorithm to the gridded synthetic product and to the original model outputs and compared the characteristics of the resulting eddy fields. Our results suggest that gridded products largely underestimate the density of eddies, capturing only between 6% and 16% of the total number of eddies. The main reason is that the spatial resolution of the gridded products is not enough to capture the small-scale eddies that are the most abundant. Also, the unresolved structures are aliased into larger structures in the gridded products, so those products show an unrealistic number of large eddies with overestimated amplitudes.
Plain Language SummaryMesoscale eddies are ocean vortexes that are found all across the global ocean. These structures can move water inside their interiors and stir the surrounding waters, resulting in a net transport of water properties, such as heat and salt. The most common way to study these eddies is by using satellite-based observations of the signature that most of eddies have on the sea surface. We show, by using a new generation of numerical models and mimicking the measuring process that satellites do, that the vast majority of the eddy field is missed because the available observations do not have enough resolution to resolve the smaller vortexes. Moreover, the mapping procedure used tends to merge several smaller eddies into a larger one, making the true detection of eddies with size enough to be correctly captured by satellite measurements not reliable.