“…The material used in their study is Elastosil M4601 A/B silicone rubber RTV-2; its material specifications are shown in Table 1. Elastosil M4601 is a popular choice for soft gripping applications because it is soft and easily extensible under low pressure, while also being rigid enough to generate adequate blocking/gripping forces to hold delicate objects (Venkatesan et al, 2021a(Venkatesan et al, , 2022. As the material selected is hyperelastic in nature, a mathematical model, Yeoh model (second order), was used to fully describe the material model (Polygerinos et al, 2013;Yeoh, 1993;Li and Wei, 2015;Rackl, 2015) as shown in equation ( 1), where W is the strainenergy potential, I 1 is the first invariant of the right Cauchy-Green tensor and C i are the material constants.…”